
Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Selamat pagi, siang, sore, malam......

Ini teks pidato bahasa inggris dulu pas kelas 3 SMP waktu ikut lomba speech contest, yang buat tentu bukan saya. Pasti benerrrrrrr soalnya yang buat Bu Ana :) beliau guru Bahasa Inggris dan yang ngelatih sampai bisa dapat juara alhamdulillah. Kurang lebih seingetku dulu ini teks untuk pidato estimasi waktu 7 menit atau 10 menit atau 15 menit gitu. Semoga bisa jadi referensi teman-teman yang sedang mencari contoh teks atau naskah pidato Bahasa Inggris.

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris - Tema Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 

Good Morning Everybody,

To honorable, the judges of speech competiton.

To respectable, all the teachers and all the audiences here.

Asslamualaikum Wr. Wb.

In this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech.

The theme is…….


Bringing Back the Value of Trust, Respect and Equality; Action to keep Unity in Diversity

        I believe everyone here is familiar with Affandi , one of the most incredible painters in the world who is from Cirebon, West Java. His painting has been well known by European, Asian and even American. Therefore, no wonder if his painting is priced up to million dollars. This is because of wonderful colors inside the painting.  The diverse of colors which make it more beautiful and meaningful.

        Talking about diversity, we talk about on how the different ethnics, religions and ideas are united to be a solid identity. An Identity which strongly glows a nation in the world eyes. It is also on how this diversity could be media to improve the quality and the credibility of nation. Indonesia as multicultural country consists of million differences of culture. Then, by standing under the idea of Unity in diversity, the value of trust, respect and justice exist. However, when one of them is unparalleled it could be boomerang for this nation or it will be ready to explode the unity. Therefore, we have to keep it.

        Our founding father Mr. Soekarno stated that there are three foundations to keep unity, trust, respect and justice. A trust as basic value to believe others, a respect as our sense to honor not to violate others and justice as equal treatment to others. These three foundation are compulsory should be committed by all entities no matter who are we and where are we from. However, now degradation endangers us. Not to mention to blame us here, but the value of these three foundations are degrading and caused horizontal conflict.

Ladies and Gentlemen

        For our concern On July 17, violence exploded in Kaburaga, Capital of Tolikara, district Papua Province. Dozens of stalls and houses were set on fire, which spread to a nearby  mosque. One youth was killed and 11 civilians were injured in the shootout that followed. Let’s us name this incident as Tolikara case. Although this incident tookplace in a remote area, the tolikara case attracted the nation wide attention and reaction, from common citizens to president himself, including religious organization.

        All followers of a religion must respect adherents of other religions and the countrys diversity because the movement to fight for the independence of Indonesia was based on the concept of unity in diversity. As the nation was built on the ideology of unity in diversity. We must not allow national harmony to be affected by such an incident. I think religious leaders have already stressed how we must strengthen our unity to build the nation.

As Michael Jacson’s song, he wrote……

            Heal the world

            Make it a better place

            For you and for me and

            The entire human race

            There are, people dying

            If you care enough for the living

            Make a better place

            For you and for me

Okay once again. Let’s sing with me!

            Heal the world

            Make it a better place

            For you and for me and

            The entire human race

            There are, people dying

            If you care enough for the living

            Make a better place

            For you and for me


He hopes, I hope and we all hope that peace will be created in this world.

        We and us mean unity, because we gather with full of compassion for a single determination. However, now we prefer to stand as “I” which means lonely or egoist. We stand perfectly with our idea and think we are more important then neglecting others. Therefore, horizontal conflict grows smoothly.

        We think as the best solution we have to bring back the value of trust, respect and justice because these values which keep our unity, which tell us how to believe, honor and treat others equally although we have different ethnics, religions and ideas. Let’s start now to impose them in every single breath and action. When we see a painting with different colors from different angles we can find the beauty. But, when we see a painting with one color from one angle we never find the beauty. Therefore, diversity is there, in which the different colors and angles define strong unity of a beauty. This is what we hope for our nation. Remember, Gary Locke stated that diversity of thought, culture, region, and ideas is the strength of a nation. 

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

That’s all I can give to you, and hopefully our nation will always be strong nation.

Thank you for your attention

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.



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